Tag: period

What You Can Learn From Tracking Your Period

What You Can Learn From Tracking Your Period

Does your period ever surprise you?  You know, like when you’re minding your own business and POW!  doubled over with cramps?  Or when all of a sudden everybody seems to piss you off?  Worst of all…feeling your flow start and knowing for a fact that 

Your Guide to Zero- Waste Period Products

Your Guide to Zero- Waste Period Products

Want to make the switch from conventional tampons or pads but need some questions answered first? You’re in the right place! Read on to learn about three popular options that can save you money, keep your body free of toxins, and even help ease period 

Inner Summer: Step Into Your Power

Inner Summer: Step Into Your Power

Welcome to the fourth and last installment in the Seasons of Your Cycle series. We’ve gone through fall, winter, spring, and now finally, we get to talk about the inner SUMMER!

Have you started to notice the vibes of each season as you’re going through it yet? I know that for me, after reading, writing, and talking at length about the inner seasons for the past few weeks, it’s really starting to click. I was able to slow down (way more than I usually allow) in my inner winter and honor my body’s need to rest. I got excited about inner spring by making time to play and try something new. And that brings us here, talking about (and living) inner summer!

Inner summer VIBES

Inner summer is all about stepping into your power. Close your eyes and picture the electricity of a party or an outdoor concert on a hot summer night. Consider the explosions of color as everything comes into bloom. That fullness, the feeling of reaching a pinnacle. Okay, you got it! Thats our inner summer vibe. Your energy is high, you are a goddess and a badass bitch, and you’re ready to take on whatever comes your way.

WOW! Are you excited yet? 🙂

Am I hyping it up? Maybe a little. But it really is a crucial part of your cycle. Inner summer is also known as the ovulatory phase- the brief window when a woman can potentially get pregnant. Let’s start with a little biology review.

Physical Effects

Ovulation occurs thanks to a surge of luteinizing hormone (LH). This tells the follicle to open, releasing an egg into the fallopian tube. From this point, the egg has 12-24 hrs to meet up with some sperm and do its thing. If it isn’t fertilized, the egg will simply break down and flow out of the body when menstruation occurs.

People who menstruate will likely notice more cervical fluid being produced at this time. The cervix also moves higher, softens, and opens slightly. All special tricks that the body uses to try to make more humans, but– also ways that you can effectively pinpoint the time of ovulation to avoid pregnancy!

The Fertility Awareness Method is a beautiful thing! More on that another day.

Additionally, estrogen and testosterone are now at their peak- lifting energy levels and helping you look and feel your best! Many women feel more confident during ovulation, and the libido-boosting effect has been well documented too.

***Fun fact: our sense of smell, taste, and vision may be heightened during ovulation! .***

Emotional/ Mental Effects

Inner summer is characterized as more expressive; a time when more energy is focused outward. Communication skills are at their peak, as well as creativity. You might find yourself more willing to take risks and explore new ideas with an open mind. I’ve even read that some women feel more tolerant and patient during the ovulatory phase (this, unfortunately, is not the case for me today #momlife).

Another name for this season is the “mother phase”. Because it’s typically a time that you’re feeling good and have plenty of energy, it’s an ideal opportunity to nurture others. But don’t forget that it’s also a crucial time to mother yourself! The beauty of the cycle is that it’s ever-changing. We can honor our needs during menstruation because we know spring is around the corner. And we can plan ahead for inner fall and PMS by getting some extra work done or putting away a few freezer meals during inner summer when we feel like we can do allll the things.

Take Advantage of Summer Vibes!

Here are some more ideas for making the most of this season:

Date Night- Inner summer is sexy time for sure- just make sure you’ve got your bases covered if you don’t want to get pregnant!


Public Speaking- Confidence is at it’s highest now, so if possible, schedule any speaking engagements during this phase

Higher-impact workouts

Try something new!

Difficult conversations- I know, summer is supposed to be FUN! Seriously though, if you have been putting off an uncomfortable discussion, the ovulatory phase might be the time to just go for it. Higher confidence, better communication skills, and an openness to new ideas are 3 great steps towards making that conversation worthwhile and productive.

My inner summer is falling during a particularly busy week this cycle. Knowing and understanding the strengths and needs of each season has helped me to find the energy I need to power through! I know that my body is ready for it now, and I know that the time to be still and quiet will come too. Always moving, always flowing- our cycles are a beautiful thing. I hope this series has helped you find ways to embrace each season!

I would love to know what resonated the most for you. Drop it down below in the comments or hit up the Facebook page.

Love and good vibes!! -Jacki

Seasons of Your Cycle: Inner Spring

Seasons of Your Cycle: Inner Spring

This is part 3 in my Seasons of Your Cycle series- check out Part 1: Inner Autumn and Part 2: Inner Winter if you want to catch up! You know the feeling on that first day of spring, when you can take your coat off 

Inner Winter- Have a Happy Period!

Inner Winter- Have a Happy Period!

Thanks for checking out the second segment of this series, created to help you understand and embrace the changing phases of your menstrual cycle. Need to catch up? You can read about inner autumn here and find out why connecting to the seasons of your 

Seasons of Your Cycle Series: Embracing Your Inner Autumn

Seasons of Your Cycle Series: Embracing Your Inner Autumn

Welcome to part one of my Seasons of Your Cycle series! I’ll be diving into what happens during your inner winter, spring, and summer in the weeks to come.

Although autumn is the last phase, I’m starting with it in honor of the Equinox earlier this week. Also, it happens to be the phase I’m currently in, so it all just worked out!

Alright loves! Let me step back and start at the beginning.

It’s no coincidence that our cycle mirrors the moon.

Just like the seasons change during the year, the menstrual cycle passes through 4 different phases too; referred to from here on out as our inner seasons. (Check out the overview here). If we listen to our bodies, we can maximize on the unique qualities of each of them.

Inner autumn is also known as the luteal phase- the time between ovulation and menstruation. All cycles are different, but as a broad example, this might fall on days 22-28. This is probably not your favorite time of the month. It’s not at all unusual to feel less energetic or less social, AND this is when PMS rears its ugly head. We sense a change, but what’s actually happening in our bodies?

Physical Effects

When an egg is released from the ovary, the follicle that it was in changes into what’s called the corpus luteum, and begins to produce progesterone and estrogen. The increased progesterone levels can bring on the start of PMS symptoms like bloating and breast tenderness.

If pregnancy doesn’t happen within around 10 days, the corpus luteum starts to break down. This causes progesterone and estrogen levels to plummet, resulting in fun side effects like mood swings, irritability, headaches, and more. Cramping is another hormone’s responsibility, but that’s coming in at the same time.

Progesterone changes got me feeling like…

**Note- I know it’s confusing- increasing and decreasing progesterone levels both cause issues?? I just had to take a break from writing this post to go do more research because I’m confused too. Definitely a topic I’m going to have to learn more about. Possibly something to do with the estrogen/ progesterone balance? If I have any readers that are hormone experts, feel free to chime in!***

In addition, noradrenaline rises, which can cause anxiety and make us snappy and mean (by us, I mean me).

Phew! That’s a lot. Like I said, it’s not the preferred time of the cycle for most people.

But don’t go away, because I have good things to tell you too!

Emotional/ Mental Effects

Our inner autumn is a closing, the last season before a new cycle begins. Dr. Christiane Northrup refers to it as a time when we are “preparing to develop or give birth to something that comes from deep within ourselves.”

Creativity is at its highest during this phase, and so is intuition. This makes it an absolutely PERFECT time to spend some time by yourself (and with yourself). We feel emotions more intensely now than any other season, and our bodies are asking us to pay attention!

Spend some time communicating with your inner self

Your inner critic is likely to be paying you a visit as well. Now is the opportunity to hold the uncomfortable thoughts and feelings she brings up, and explore them. Hold yourself with kindness and compassion as you work through this process. Remember that you are most in tune with your inner self right now, and can determine what’s really important to you, as well as what may not be working out so well.

Time to align with *your* truth!

One suggestion- go ahead and address the issues, dig right into them, but don’t try to make a plan. Also, wait to make any important decisions. Autumn is not the phase for that.

So in addition to self-reflection, what are some other good activities during inner autumn? Try:



*Gentle yoga/ walking

*Bring out your creative side

Inner autumn is a fantastic time to journal!

*Take a social media break- remember, this is time to look inward, not compare yourself with others.

*Rest! Just take it easy for awhile. Your body and soul will thank you.

*Declutter your physical space

*Clearing rituals to rid yourself of emotional and energetic baggage (so you don’t have to carry it into the next cycle!)

The premenstrual phase is therefore a time when we have greater access to our magic—our ability to recognize and transform the more difficult and painful areas of our lives.

Dr. Christiane Northrup

My hope is that by understanding that this season is just part of the natural flow of our cycle, we can all embrace the power it has to offer. This premenstrual phase? It’s way more than PMS.

Go with the flow

Did these tips help you embrace your inner autumn, or do you plan to utilize them when it comes around again? Please share your thoughts in the comments, I love to hear your feedback!

And make sure you check in again next week (or subscribe so you always know about new posts!) to learn more about inner winter.

Working With Your Flow: The  Four Seasons of the Menstrual Cycle

Working With Your Flow: The Four Seasons of the Menstrual Cycle

Much like the four seasons in a year, a woman moves through 4 different phases of her cycle each month. Learning how to optimize each “season” can help bring you into harmony with your cycle. If you live in the Midwest like I do, you 

Period Cramps? Try Acupressure!

Period Cramps? Try Acupressure!

PSA Ladies! I’m here to let you know that you can ease the pain of period cramps all by yourself, for free! That power is (literally) in your own hands. Like me, I’m sure many other women instinctively rub their abdomen when they are cramping.