How to Choose Your First Yoni Egg

How to Choose Your First Yoni Egg

Are you ready to pick out your first yoni egg after reading last week’s post? Even though yoni eggs are still not super well known, there are a lot of sources and options out there. Read on to see what’s best for you!   There are 

Is Your Makeup Dangerous?

Is Your Makeup Dangerous?

So many of us assume that our makeup and skin care products are safe. Products you’re putting on your skin, your mouth and EYES? Should be harmless, right?  Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. The laws and regulations surrounding the beauty industry are set up in 

The BEST Ways to Kick a Cold Drug-Free

The BEST Ways to Kick a Cold Drug-Free

Try as we may, even the healthiest person will probably get taken down by a nasty cold bug once or twice this year. If you have little kids in school, it’s practically unavoidable. So what can you do? You could suffer through it for a 

Could  Magnesium Help Ease Your Anxiety?

Could Magnesium Help Ease Your Anxiety?

Learn how this essential mineral works to chill you out! ***I am not a medical professional. Please consult with your doctor before taking any new supplements.*** Raise your hand if you haven’t really paid much attention to your magnesium intake. Yeah, same here! But we 

DIY Natural Bathroom Cleaning Supplies

DIY Natural Bathroom Cleaning Supplies

Are you still using Windex, Comet, and other harsh cleansers to get your bathroom sparkling? No more, friend! I’m about to show you how incredibly easy it is to use natural ingredients to whip up your own cleaning supplies. I also used to buy 3, 

How To Choose the Safest Sunscreen This Summer

How To Choose the Safest Sunscreen This Summer

Summer is in full swing! It took awhile to arrive in Wisconsin, but most of our days are hot and sunny now and I LOVE it. Bare feet, having all our windows open, the ease of just opening the door and running outside with the 

Aromatherapy for Headaches

Aromatherapy for Headaches

In the past few years, I can count on my hands the number of times that I’ve popped an OTC pain reliever for a headache. Now, to be fair, I don’t get a ton of headaches. If you do, stay tuned for more tips on