Diastasis Recti Part 2: What Can I Do?

Diastasis Recti Part 2: What Can I Do?

Part 1 of this series gives a good basic breakdown of what diastasis recti is, and who is at risk. Click here to catch up if you haven’t read it yet! I was 4 months postpartum, still getting used to a new body (and a 

Why I Love Yoni Steams

Why I Love Yoni Steams

Have you heard of yoni steams yet? Ladies, if you don’t know, I’m here to let you know! I’ll back up, because I know some of you may be wondering what a yoni is. Totally understandable, as this is an ancient term and just starting 

Period Cramps? Try Acupressure!

Period Cramps? Try Acupressure!

PSA Ladies! I’m here to let you know that you can ease the pain of period cramps all by yourself, for free! That power is (literally) in your own hands. Like me, I’m sure many other women instinctively rub their abdomen when they are cramping. 

The Power of Touch

The Power of Touch

What if I told you that in just an hour, you could reduce stress levels and anxiety, relieve pain, increase circulation, and lower your blood pressure? Time for a massage! Most of us are familiar with getting a massage to relax or feel pampered, but 

Aromatherapy for Headaches

Aromatherapy for Headaches

In the past few years, I can count on my hands the number of times that I’ve popped an OTC pain reliever for a headache. Now, to be fair, I don’t get a ton of headaches. If you do, stay tuned for more tips on